Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A slight deviation is necessary

The blog seems to have run its course. I have decided to continue to research via images on http://avtvm-p.tumblr.com/ follow if you like.

It has been a good ride.


Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Relief in articulation

Light relief in articulation is necessary.

Having just tied my hands together in completing two articles for journal submission I have decided that I am going to write a story from my text messages (to myself, regarding my thoughts).

More to come later.


Saturday, May 28, 2011

Painting problematics in intangible and imaginate spaces

Painting offers a transformative act that proposes the idea of an intangible and imaginative space outside of a indexical or proto-photo process.
When the act is restored to a visual investigation over some idea of truth, it is only then that the act of painting can operate within the current art world, as a part of it, not with intent to control it.

"This is why painting is interesting today. Its medium is non-affirmative and anarchic. Its potential is rooted here. This potential unfolds when outside information is imported into the medium's specific loop." Katharina Grosse.

Watercolour and Gouache on Arches
19 x 18 cm
Michael Greaves.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

echo objects

This is one of the drawings I have been making here. My game play is simple: open out and look, settle on something, make a drawing/painting. The process is one of body-mind filtering and resonating a situation. An object/body/tool combination at a specific moment in time and place. Drawings as 'echo objects'...(didn't Barbara Maria Stafford use this term?)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A wee bit behind on the posting

Hi Sue, apologies, a wee bit behind on the posting., Been thinking too much about pattern and placement,I am sure that you would understand.

To highlight my prediciment riddle me this.

In painting there is at surface and then there is the object. When a non descriptive movement of the body, with a loaded brush in ones hand, touches the 'surface' of the painting does the resultant mark echo a. and object or b. the manifestation of a non descriptive action of the body? or both.

I still rather like pattern though.



Friday, March 11, 2011

Solace, grandiosity, mystery and pathways in Okinawa

Post an image of a place of solace in your surroundings, a grand new construction nearby, a mysterious house in your neighbourhood, a path you walk everyday. Post by Monday evening 14.3.2011

Monday, February 7, 2011

films and books

Make an image of the screen showing a chosen film. Make the image when the film that you have chosen has made you feel an emotion.

Make an image of the page in the book that you are now reading.

Make an image of an apple on a table top in your house.

Please post these images by Friday 11th Feb at 12pm local time.


Saturday, February 5, 2011


Please feel free to post your own project assignments.

Water, Shadow and Rubbish

Project 3

Make an image of flowing water

Make an image of your shadow on the grass

Make an image of a public rubbish receptacle

Please post by Monday 7th Feb at 12pm local time.

Project 2

carpark, tree in carpark near alexanderplatz, anne

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Project 2

Make an image of a carpark.

Make an image of a plant in a carpark.

Make an image of a notable person in your 'local' area.

Please post by Sunday 6th Feb 12pm local time.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

before i went to sleep

Project post

Taking the game to the court

Please do the following:

Take photograph or under your bed, without composition or focus itervention.

Take a photograph or the view from the window in your current room.

Take a photograph of the clothes that you wore today laid out on your floor, shoes included, plus any accessories included.

Post these By Friday 5th at 12am local time.


Saturday, January 29, 2011

colla mano

Watercolour and Gouache on Paper 700 x 1000mm